Thursday, April 12, 2012


{scroll to the  bottom of my blog and pause my music}

You have to watch this video.

I cry each time I hear this song.

I am so thankful today for Christ's love for me!
...for me… 
I am broken, tattered, ugly, sinful…and He loves me.

I can't wrap my head around it today. 

I've been talking to my boys about it. Trying to have them understand the power of Christ's love for us.

I made them watch this video with me.
I wanted them to have a visual picture of what it may have been like when Jesus rose from that grave.


I am so grateful to serve a God that defeated death!

I am feeling so small today. So unworthy. So totally thankful for this gift!

~ and in completely unrelated news….don't forget to enter my giveaway~

Fingerprint Friday

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